What is the Thyroid?

The thyroid is an incredible butterfly shaped gland of the body, located just under the Adams Apple. This superhero of a gland basically decides how our energy is going to be spent , which is also more popularly known as metabolism
Which means your thyroid affects your
- Breathing
- Heart rate
- Muscle and bone strength
- Menstrual cycle
- Body temperature
- Cholesterol levels
- Overall mood
Hyperthyroidism - Conventional medicine states that hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland produces too much of the thyroid hormones, known as T3 and T4. These hormones are made by combining the iodine we consume from food and the amino acid known as tyro sine
A more holistic explanation of Hyperthyroidism is that it stems from the body falling into acidic state, causing the thyroid to go haywire.
Hyperthyroidism is also linked to a sluggish liver. The liver works as our body’s filter, when it is overwhelmed with toxins, it can affect the function of other organs and glands, such as the thyroid. When the liver is stagnated, so is our Qi energy (See “Using Cupping to Heal” section for more information on Qi)
How does the Body become Acidic?
The body becomes acidic from an acidic lifestyle. By consuming acidic foods and acidic water, containing heavy metals and chemicals are 2 common culprits. High stress, lack of sleep and little to no exercise add to the body’s acidic state.
Signs that you may be living with Hyperthyroidism:
Muscle weakness
Mood swings
Nervousness or anxiety
Rapid heartbeat
Heart palpitations
Weight loss or inability to gain weight
Light periods
infrequent periods
Painful periods
Increased bowel movements
Skin dryness
Muscle spasms
Suicidal thoughts
Healing Hyperthyroidism
Conventional Methods:
Conventional medicine “cures” for hyperthyroidism include prescribing patients radioactive iodine therapy, which destroys the thyroid hormones. In other cases, doctors will suggest surgery to remove the gland either partially or in its entirety.
Our Method,
When Judith created RockCollage, she believed that healing looks different for each individual.
So for you, Judith is recommending
Food Journaling
Shungite Water
Yoni Steaming
Cupping therapy
All of these modalities will be explained in this guide so you have a clear, conscious understanding of the benefits, and how each will progress you in your healing journey! If you have any questions just email us back at this email address rockcollagejjpbey@gmail.com!
The body is the most advanced science we have, it is a vessel that is capable of healing itself when given the right tools and love! When breaking down words that have been told to us for years and years, we’ve found that disease is just dis- ease within the body. Your body is simply off balance, and that’s OK! Because health or
Health is not only possible, it’s your birthright.
Keep reading for your personalized thyroid healing guide
Using Food as Fuel Not all foods are created the same, and with today’s modified and hybridized food, it’s important to know which foods will supply you with energy vs foods that will rob you of energy
In the section titled “Hyperthyroidism” we noted that the holistic explanation of an overactive thyroid is that there is simply an overly acidic environment in the body. By eliminating acidic foods and introducing more and more alkaline foods into the body, will restore the body’s ph making any dis- ease unable to thrive.
Alkaline and Acidic
There are two types of foods: Alkaline and acidic
In the simplest of terms Alkaline food is:
- fresh
- Has high mineral content
- High water content
- Is naturally occurring (not made in a lab or genetically modified)
Making Acidic food:
- stagnant/ dead
- Low or no mineral content
- Low water content
- Not naturally occurring
See the next page for our chart of Alkaline Vs Acidic foods
How to Implement Food for Healing
This list is simply here to inform you, not to overwhelm you! We know it’s not easy to switch your entire diet overnight, so for right now we suggest Keeping a Food Journal to start your journey.
Food Journaling
We learn to manage our money, know what income is on its way, and what is on its way out to bills. A budget, or a Money Journal, if you will.
If we treat our finances with so much care, why not do the same when it comes to our health?
Food Journaling includes:
logging what you ate, what time it was eaten
How many bowel movements you experience daily/weekly
How many glasses of water you consume
Making notes of how you feel after eating your foods of the day. Do you feel foggy? Energized? Do you notice any physical discomfort upon eating certain foods?
After Journaling for some time, you can begin the process of elimination and incorporation. Taking away what doesn’t work and putting in what does.
Not only can food be acidic, so can water.
It was publicized in November 2018, that New Jersey water was a carrier of a carcinogen, known as PFOA, or perfluorooctanoicc acid, which is known to create thyroid disease within the body, and cause cancer.
Healing With Water
Fortunately there are ways for you to reclaim your health and your water.
The Facts About Shungite
Originates from Lake Onega, Russia, where you are able to drink from straight from the lake with no further filtration because of Shungite
Shungite is made of more than 98% carbon and contains molecules called fullerenes, which is a microscopic, hollow, pure carbon molecule
Fullerenes are an extremely powerful anti - oxidant, which is currently being studied as it is believed it could improve health and nanotechnology as we know it
Shungite rids water of: nitrates, chlorines, bacteria, heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, fluorides, radioactive particles, viruses and pathogens.
How does it cleanse water?
Shungite contains a huge amount of hydrogen, allowing it to neutralize any toxins
After neutralizing any toxic threats, the Shungite water is left alkaline
Hyperthyroidism & Shungite
Shungite Water
Placing Shungite in distilled water, and drinking it on a daily basis, will help your body flush out heavy metals and chemicals that have built up in the body for some time now. As the layers of acidity come down, the body can now transition back into being alkaline.
Shungite Soap
Shungite can also be used topically, as it will neutralize bacteria on the surface of the skin as well, Judith, owner, CEO, and lady boss of Rock Collage curated her own Shungite soap line to help those struggling with skin conditions such as acne, eczema and psoriasis.
Healing with the Womb
As we stated in the section called “Hyperthyroidism” menstrual cycles are affected by this thyroid imbalance, meaning many women can and do experience :
infrequent periods
over occurring periods
heavy bleeding/ hemorrhaging periods
Painful cramps
Periods with old blood (not seeing red blood)
Yoni Steaming/ Detoxing
Yoni Steaming is an ancient practice used by many cultures, where the patient sits over a steaming pot of herbs, inducing a full body steam, releasing stagnant toxins within the body.

Heals P. M. S
Heals uterine fibroid
Restores vaginal moisture
Heals vaginal scarring
Heals prolapsed uterus's
Heals P. C. O. S
Heals hemorrhoids
Heals hemorrhaging
Promotes balanced emotions
Balances hormones
Helps clear skin
Decreases hot flashes
Regulates periods
Improves circulation
Helps vitamin absorption
We do offer Yoni steaming here, where Judith custom blends each steam, for each individual woman, depending on her ailments.
Using Cupping to Heal
Cupping like, Yoni steaming is an ancient practice, used by many cultures but more popularly known by Asian cultures. Centuries ago, Cupping was first used to heal an array of ailments , from the common cold, to arthritis

Suctions toxins from the body
Boosts fertility
Improves immunity
Can help asthma
Improves digestion
Treats acne, psoriasis, eczema and herpes
Treats facial paralysis
Helps weight loss process
Qi and Cupping
Qi is known as “life force energy” that flows in all of us. Qi can become stagnant or imbalanced through an overflow of toxins in the body (food, alcohol, water), in the physical body, Qi is blood, lymph, phlegm and vital fluids.
Cupping breaks up the accumulation of Qi, drawing out toxins and removing blockages, restoring both physical and emotional circulation
Cupping Types
For beginners, we recommend Dry & Silicone Cupping, dry Cupping is simply when air is suctioned out of the cup and left to let the toxins release into the cup. After this, the Silicone Cupping proceeds, which is also a massage, as it is a moving Cupping/ therapy.
For a more intense session, we recommend Wet Cupping, where small incisions are made on the area of choice, followed by the suctioning process. This type of cupping allows even more toxins to be released from the body.
In short, eliminating and limiting the amount of toxins that you surround yourself with/ingest, will help heal your thyroid, and return your body to its natural balance!
Source: https://www.theportlandclinic.com/butterfly-gland-effect/