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The Power of the Pendulum

Pendulums are an easy-to-use and versatile tool. They provide valuable insight, and it does not take much time to learn how to properly use one for spirit communication, divination, or healing.

Divination and spirit communication allow us to see past what we are normally able to. They can show us what will happen if we continue on a path, what is happening right now, or what has happened. They are important skills to hone for every witch, rootworker, or other light worker, and everyone has their favorite method. One of the easiest and most powerful methods is using a pendulum. In addition to divination, pendulums can help heal the body and spirit.

Crystal  Pendulum
Crystal Pendulum

What is a Pendulum?

A pendulum is simply a weight on the end of a string or chain. Hold one end of the pendulum and allow the weight (the bob) to hang free. For spirit communication, you ask questions and interpret the pendulum's motion. You hold it over each chakra in turn and interpret its motion for healing or chakra work. You can use any weight and any string or chain while first learning to use a pendulum, but there are beautiful and practical pendulums made of crystal or brass specifically for regular use.

Pendulum Basics

When working with a pendulum, the first thing to do is to establish "yes" and "no." Some workers do this by simply saying, "Show me yes," watching the pendulum swing, then saying, "Show me no," and noting the differences in how it moves. It may move in a clockwise circle for "yes" and counterclockwise for "no." It may move in a circle for "yes" and a straight line for "no." One method is to hang the pendulum in the middle of an empty drinking glass and count the number of times it strikes the rim -- one for "yes," two for "no," and so on.

After that, make sure it is consistent. Ask it questions that have an obvious answer, like "Does two plus two equal four?" or "Is the grass purple?" and notice "yes" or "no" answers. If your pendulum is consistent and clear, you can continue using it.

Protecting Your Pendulum

Crystal Pendulum
Crystal Pendulum

It is essential to perform a protection spell before you work to ensure that only well-meaning entities contact you. A straightforward protection spell is to imagine a sphere of golden light surrounding you, your pendulum, and your working area.

As you visualize this, say...

You can substitute the names of your specific deities, guardian spirits, or angels if you wish.

Using a Pendulum For Spirit Communication and Divination

Lightworkers use pendulums to get information and find out if a spell or ritual they just performed will work to communicate with loved ones and ancestral spirits. After figuring out what "yes" and "no" answers look like for your pendulum and ensuring it is consistent with its answers, you can use it to communicate beyond the veil.

Some like to light Spirit Incense or anoint themselves with Spirit Oil before working to help strengthen their abilities and connect with the element of Spirit. Silence, or a little soft music, can help as well. No matter what you prefer, choose a peaceful place that will allow you to concentrate on connecting with your loved ones or spirit entities. Then, ask questions and will enable them to communicate through the pendulum.

Do not try to interpret their answers at the moment -- it is better to wait until after the session to avoid losing concentration. Please write down the answers given to you, then analyze them afterward.

Using a Pendulum for Healing or Chakra Work

A pendulum's motions can tell when the body's energy is not flowing as it should. Hold the pendulum over each chakra or part of the body and interpret its swings. If it swings rapidly or gives you a "yes" motion, energy moves through that area. Something is amiss if it is motionless, sluggish, or gives you a "no" motion, and more work is needed to open and balance things again. The pendulum can be used again to check on the body's progress toward healing.

Pendulums are a convenient and adaptable instrument. They offer valuable guidance, and mastering their use for spirit communication, divination, or healing is quick.

Wooden Pendulum
Wooden Pendulum

Best Practices for Using Pendulums

Pendulums are a popular tool for divination and energy work. Here are some best practices to follow when using a pendulum:

1. Choose the Right Pendulum:

  • Material: Pendulums can be made from various materials, such as crystal, metal, or wood. Choose a material that resonates with you and feels comfortable in your hand.

  • Size: The size of the pendulum can affect its sensitivity. Experiment with different sizes to find what works best for you.

  • Shape: The shape of the pendulum can also influence its sensitivity and energy flow. Some popular shapes include dowsing rods, spheres, and teardrops.

2. Prepare Yourself:

  • Grounding: Before using your pendulum, ground yourself by focusing on your breath and connecting to the earth.

  • Intention Setting: Clearly define your intention for using the pendulum. What question do you want to ask? What outcome are you seeking?

3. Hold the Pendulum Correctly:

  • Relaxed Grip: Hold the pendulum loosely between your thumb and index finger, allowing it to swing freely.

  • Avoid Tension: Avoid gripping the pendulum too tightly, which can restrict its movement.

4. Ask Your Question:

  • Clear and Concise: State your question clearly and concisely. Avoid asking vague or complex questions.

  • Visualize Your Answer: Imagine the pendulum swinging positively or negatively to represent your desired outcome.

5. Observe the Pendulum's Movement:

  • Pendulum Swing: The pendulum will start to swing in a particular direction. This movement is believed to represent the answer to your question.

  • Yes or No: Often, a clockwise swing indicates a "yes" answer, while a counterclockwise swing indicates a "no" answer. However, it's important to note that pendulum movements can vary from person to person.

6. Trust Your Intuition:

  • Listen to Your Inner Voice: Trust your intuition and interpretation of the pendulum's movements.

Additional Tips:

  • Practice Regularly: The more you use your pendulum, the more sensitive you will become to its movements.

  • Calibrate Your Pendulum: Before using it for the first time, calibrate it by asking a simple question with a known answer. This will help you understand its typical movements.

  • Cleanse Your Pendulum: Regularly cleanse your pendulum to remove any negative energy. You can do this by running it under water, smudging it with sage, or placing it under moonlight.

By following these best practices, you can effectively use your pendulum for divination and personal growth.



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