Azabache stones are a beautiful, powerful protective talisman that can help guard you against envy and the curse of the evil eye.

Different cultures worldwide use herbs, stones, and other curios as protective objects. In Santiago de Compostela, Spain, it is no different. Azabache stones are an ancient protective talisman, valued so highly that they are often given to babies at birth.
What Is an Azabache Stone?
Azabache stones are made of jet, a black stone made of fossilized plant matter. The jet is a highly prized magical and protective stone, and the jet from the coast of Asturias is considered to be of the highest quality. Jewelry made of jets was often worn or carried by pilgrims to protect them on their journey. Today, it is still used as a defense against evil.
The History of Azabache Stones
Azabache stones are formed from trees that went extinct over 65 million years ago. Even in ancient Rome, these black stones were valued for jewelry and decoration. When polished, they become gleaming. They can also be carved and are often found in shapes like scallops, human figures, crosses, or azabache hands.
Santiago de Compostela, a town in Spain, is known for its azabache works. It is where the apostle Saint James is buried and is the endpoint of the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage. The Rua de Acibecheria (street of azabache) was, at one time, a street designated for artisans who sold protective jet jewelry and stones. When Spanish people traveled to the Americas, they brought their azabache rocks for safety. These stones are often used today in Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, and other areas with a heavy Spanish influence.
How Do You Use Azabache?
Jet is a protective stone but incredibly potent against mal de ojo (the evil eye). A look from an envious or bitter person sends this curse. Wearing azabache rocks is believed to protect against this curse. Baby girls are generally given jet earrings or a bracelet. Boys are given jet brooches. Even adults wear azabache jewelry, sometimes with gold, red glass beads, or red coral, to help guard them against negative energy.
Sometimes, azabache stones are used for spiritual healing. If a pain or injury is believed to be caused by a curse, a healer might lay a piece of jet on the area. If the pain disappeared, it was safe to assume that it was a symptom of the evil eye. If not, it was time for a doctor.
Though the jet is magically powerful, it is a brittle stone. For this reason, it is a good idea to take care of azabache jewelry and avoid letting it bang around during sports or heavy work. Clean it with a soft cloth and warm water, which can last very long.
What Happens When Azabache Jewelry Breaks?
If an azabache hand or other mal de ojo jewelry breaks, someone has tried to give the wearer the evil eye. This is similar to other protective talismans -- breaking either means that you have avoided a curse or acts as a warning that someone wishes you ill. Unfortunately, if an azabache stone is broken this way, it will no longer protect the wearer and must be replaced. (It would also be a good idea to perform a spiritual cleansing!)
Throughout history, people have wanted to protect themselves and their children from harm. Azabache stones are a beautiful, powerful protective talisman that can help guard against envy and the curse of the evil eye. Wear azabache jewelry with pride, take care of it, and you can look forward to years of protection.