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A single Lucky Hand Root -- the 1" long hand-shaped root of several species of orchids -- is among the most potent ingredients to be added to an African-American mojo bag designed to increase gambling luck. Sometimes called salep or saloop root, or "five-finger root," it is not the root of the entirely different plant known as five-finger grass, but it gets its name because it resembles a small hand (with anywhere from three to ten fingers).



Numerous other natural roots, herbs, and curios can be found in hoodoo gambler's charms -- including the teeth of alligators, badgers, and bears; rattlesnake rattles; bat hearts; rabbit feet; alligator feet; nutmegs; buckeye nuts; John the Conqueror roots; and lodestones dressed in magnetic sand -- but much the above items may be thought to draw luck and money, only the rare Lucky Hand root and its cheaper herbal equivalent, five-finger grass, are said to specifically increase luck in games of chance which call for manual dexterity. 


So prized is this curious root that among some hoodoo practitioners, it shares the name "hand" with the entire class of mojo bags used by gamblers -- as can be heard in the popular blues refrain



The ancient "doctrine of signatures" dictates that objects in nature reveal their magical or medicinal uses through their form and color. Thus, the pale brown, multi-fingered Lucky Hand root is thought to have special provenance over "all the things that five fingers can do." For this reason, although a Lucky Hand root may be carried by those who play the lottery or bet on horses, it is particularly notable as the pre-eminent ingredient in conjure bags worn by card players, crap-shooters, three-card monte artists, and others who wish to increase their edge by subtle manipulation of the tools of their trade. Combined with five-finger grass, a John the Conqueror root to increase personal power and mastery, and a lodestone dressed in magnetic sand to bring in the winnings, the Lucky Hand root simply cannot be beaten, according to its devotees.



Lucky Hand also lends its power to an anointing oil favoured by gamblers. Genuine Lucky Hand Root anointing oil, which should contain small or broken roots and other herbal essences, is rubbed on the hands before embarking on an evening's play, to limber them up and make them supple. Lucky Hand incense, ritual bath crystals or floor washes, and scented sachet powder are also popular with gamblers or with anyone who wants a "helping hand" in life. Lucky Hand is an old hoodoo formula for oil, incense, sachet powders, and bath crystals that are designed to attract good luck, good fortune, and good times, especially by means of a "helping hand." It is most often utilized as a part of magic spells to win at gambling, but it can augment the "luckiness" factor in love spell work as well.


How you choose to use Lucky Hand spiritual supplies is, of course, up to you, but one very traditional method is to employ them in conjunction with the 23rd Psalm, while praying for all that is desired.


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Please note: The price is per one piece, intuitively picked for you. Due to the nature of crystals, they may vary slightly in shape, size, color, and pattern. This is all due to the location and variation of the stones available. All crystals are reiki-charged and cleansed with love light and Sea Salt or Sand❤


* Important Health Advice Disclaimer: None of the information or products on this site are a substitute for medical advice or treatment. If you are sick, please consult your chosen qualified healthcare practitioner. This site's metaphysical descriptions and properties are compiled from various online and book sources. We invite you to use the stones and these descriptions at your discretion and intuition. We would also like to state here… that your own experiences and those of others are more than likely to vary widely.


Lucky Hand Root

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