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White Mexican agate is a variety of chalcedony known for its calming and soothing properties. It's often associated with balance, grounding, and emotional well-being. Here are some of its key metaphysical properties:  

  • Balance and Harmony: White Mexican agate is believed to help restore balance and harmony in the body, mind, and spirit. It can aid in finding equilibrium between masculine and feminine energies.  
  • Grounding and Stability: This stone is thought to be grounding, helping individuals connect with the present moment and reduce feelings of anxiety or stress.  
  • Emotional Healing: White Mexican agate is often used to promote emotional healing and release negative emotions. It can help alleviate feelings of fear, worry, and insecurity.  
  • Mental Clarity: This crystal is believed to enhance mental clarity, focus, and concentration. It can be helpful for those who struggle with decision-making or feeling overwhelmed.  
  • Protection: Some believe that white Mexican agate can provide protection from negative energies and harmful influences.



Mexican Agate is a good stone for general healing purposes. It has a cleansing effect on a physical level, specifically on the pancreas and lymphatic system. It can work best on ailments affecting the endocrine, digestive, and even heart systems.


Mexican Agate clears energy blockages and brings hidden knowledge or information to light. This stone helps you eliminate negative energies and transform them into powerful and uplifting ones. Mexican Agate is a good stone for general healing purposes.


Laughter Stone, Joy, Patterns of Life


A stone of support & encouragement, elevating thoughts & promoting optimism. Creates a circular flow of energy, stimulating for the mind & attitude. Excellent for balancing emotional, physical and intellectual energy. Crazy Lace Agate is often used as a personal talisman to bring the power of the Moon to one's life and endeavors.


Chakras: Varies by Color


Crystal Towers

Crystal towers are believed to have several metaphysical properties and perks, but it's important to remember this is based on spiritual beliefs and has yet to be verified by science. Here's a breakdown of the potential benefits and the science behind the shape:

Metaphysical Properties:

  • Amplified Energy: The pointed shape of a crystal tower is believed to focus and amplify the crystal's natural energy, strengthening the specific properties associated with each crystal type.

  • Directed Energy: Towers are thought to direct energy outward from the point. Depending on your intention, you can position the point outwards to send energy into your environment or inwards to draw energy towards yourself.

  • Protection and Grounding: Some believe a crystal tower creates a protective shield around its location, filtering negativity and promoting security.

  • Manifestation: The focused energy of a crystal tower is said to aid in manifesting your desires and intentions.


  • Aesthetics: Crystal towers are beautiful and visually appealing. They can add a touch of natural beauty and positive vibes to your home or workspace.

  • Focal Point: A crystal tower can be a focal point for meditation or crystal healing practices, helping you focus your intentions.

  • Conversation Starter: Unique crystal towers can be starters with friends or family interested in crystals.

Science Behind the Shape:

  • The pointed shape of a crystal tower may have a minor piezoelectric effect. This means some crystals can emit a small electrical current when pressure is applied (like from the point). However, the scientific community doesn't consider this effect strong enough to impact the human body significantly.


Crystal towers can be a visually attractive and helpful tool for those interested in crystals and their metaphysical properties. While the science behind their amplified energy is minimal, the focus and clarity they provide during meditation or visualization practices could be beneficial.



Please note: The price is per one piece, intuitively picked for you. Due to the nature of crystals, they may vary slightly in shape, size, color, and pattern. ❤

White Mexican Agate Palm Stone

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