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Bull's Eye is a powerful tool for manifesting goals and desires. This symbol represents focus, clarity, and determination in pursuing one's aspirations. Whether displayed as a talisman, meditated upon, or incorporated into affirmations, the bull's eye can help one to stay focused on their goals and bring about their desired outcome. Ideal for making talismans and amulets. Drill a hole in the center, load, and seal with paraffin wax.



Spiritual Uses:

  • Protection: Bull's herb is often used as a protective herb, believed to ward off negative energies and provide safety.
  • Purification: It may be used in cleansing rituals to purify spaces and objects.
  • Love and Attraction: Some believe bull's herb can enhance love and attraction, drawing positive relationships into one's life.
  • Courage and Strength: It is associated with courage and strength, believed to empower individuals to overcome challenges.
  • Divination: In some practices, bull's herb is used in divination rituals to gain insights into the future.

How to Use Bull's Herb:

  • Amulet: Carry bull's herb as an amulet for protection and good luck.
  • Incense: Burn bull's herb as incense to cleanse spaces and promote spiritual growth.
  • Infusion: Make an infusion of bull's herb leaves to drink or use topically.
  • Bath: Add bull's herb to a bath for relaxation and purification.

Important Considerations:

  • Consult a Healthcare Professional: While bull's herb has been used traditionally for various purposes, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before using it for medicinal purposes, especially if you have any underlying health conditions.  


Ojo de Buey Bulls Eye Talisman

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