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Trolleite amplifies sensitivity and intuition, and encourages self-discipline, ethics, and personal responsibility. It supports mental and emotional focus, so it is easier to embrace independence and accountability, and set and attain goals

Troilite helps one to release negative feelings such as, frustration and/or anger. It provides one with a calming energy, emotional balance, and assist one with having the ability to think clearly

It was initially thought to exist only in Sweden but recently it has been discovered in Australia, Rwanda, Brazil and the USA. Trolleite is often associated with other phosphate minerals such as augelite, lazulite and scorzalite, the later often resulting in a very blue colour. A very rare ascension crystal.

Healing, Growth, and Ascension

Trolleite is often referred to as a stone of ascension. This is because it serves to harmonize our beings with the soul and its purpose.

One of the core things Trolleite does is encourage our human self to move more in alignment with our Soul and it’s Purpose. Hence this is why Trolleite has been labelled ‘a stone of Ascension. It is a high vibration stone that connects with our angels and spirit guides. It is useful when establishing a connection with your guides.

Trolleite Point

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