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Magically, Patchouli oil is added to Fertility Sachets to bring fertility to one who wants it. It is also used in the bath (8 to 10 drops, worn as a body perfume, and/or used in Love Sachets to bring love to one and encourage lust.


  To draw money, Patchouli essential oil is sprinkled upon money, purses, and wallets. It can also be used to anoint a green candle before burning.



Patchouli cologne can be worn daily to attract love and money, add to a spiritual bath or floor wash to attract money, love and ignite passion.  You can also sprinkle on your bed sheets for added passion. Used in spells to attract a love partner and lust.  


Colognes and waters are commonly used by spiritual practitioners.  They use them in accordance with the magical correspondences associated with the herbs they are made with.


Anoint yourself or your magical tools to clear negative energy.  Add patchouli water to a bath, floor wash, feed your success mojo bags, or wash your candles before spell work.  You can also offer spiritual waters as offerings to the spirits and ancestors. 



Patchouli has an earthy, spicy but also slightly sweet aroma. In its raw essential oil form, it can be very strong and has been likened to the smell of wet soil.

Patchouli Cologne Spray

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