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7 min read
Utilize the natural energies of crystals to achieve your goals through the practice of the Law of Attraction. They will help you every...
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3 min read
Friendships can be very difficult to begin and maintain in this fast-paced, hectic world. We are often just too busy, but sometimes we...
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3 min read
Everybody has some sort of emotional baggage, either leftover from an old relationship or from unresolved issues with a loved one. They...
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6 min read
Thyroid Health Naturally
What is the Thyroid? The thyroid is an incredible butterfly shaped gland of the body, located just under the Adams Apple. This superhero...
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4 min read
What is Your Body Telling You? Twitching, ringing, etc!
In Vedic Astrology a lot of emphasis is given to omens, astrologers often predict the outcome of situations based on changes in the...
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8 min read
What's In Your Mind?: Signs and symptoms of spiritual awakening
Signs and symptoms of spiritual awakening I find on the web a list of "signs and symptoms of spiritual awakening", and I realize that I...
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8 min read
Benefits of Agates
Agate is one of the oldest gemstones used in jewellery since ancient times and is one of the most popular items in 2020. And one question...
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5 min read
Fun and Practical Ways to Speak the Five Love Languages.
By now, I am sure you have heard of Gary Chapman’s relationship-changing book THE FIVE LOVE LANGUAGES. If you have read the book, great!...
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2 min read
Five Stages Of Healing
The crisis is a state that initiates a turning point in our lives. No life is free from crisis. Since adversity is inevitable, it is...
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2 min read
Sa Ta Na Ma
Definition - What does Sa Ta Na Ma mean? Sa ta na ma is the name given to a fundamental kundalini kirtan kriya, which is a type of...
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Powerful Protection With Azabache Stones
Azabache stones are a beautiful, powerful protective talisman that can help guard you against envy and the curse of the evil eye. Mano...
Crystal Companions for Your Holiday Travels
Navigating the Holiday Hustle with Crystal Energy
Candle Color Meanings For Magical Rituals
Choosing the right candle color for your spells and rituals can mean the difference between good results and extraordinary ones.
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